1) Friday Youth Group: Our Friday night student ministries have begun this past Friday. Come join us as we grow in our relationship with Christ and with one another. Program starts at 7:30pm
2) Youth Registration Forms: Please return your registration forms with your parent’s signature to any one of our youth workers by Sun., Aug 24th. If you have not received one, please ask Naomi Wong for one.
3) Chinese Mission Convention (12/31-01/03): The second triennial CMC West Coast 2014 will take place in San Diego. Deadline for early bird registration will be on 09/09. Registration fee will be $59 per person by 09/09 and $69 by 11/11. Please sign up with your life group leader or Minister Ben
4) Operation Christmas Child Collection: It’s never too early to start donating! Every year, our children and youth prepare shoeboxes filled with small toys, stationaries, toiletries, etc. for children in third world countries. This shoeboxes become a visible signs of God’s love for these children. If you would like to donate any items, please drop them off in the plastic bin at the back of chapel.