1) English Adult Home Group (Tuesday, 06/17): English home group will meet at Ben and Hannah’s house at 7:00pm-8:30pm. Come join us as we study the book Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. Please see Ben for the home address.
2) No KFC and Youth Group in July: Our Friday night ministries will be off during the entire month of July. We will resume on the second Friday in August (08/08). The last day of Friday night ministry will be on 06/27.
3) Youth Graduation Party (Fri, 06/27): Congratulations to all our graduates! Come celebrate with our middle school and high school graduates at the Chuns residence. We will have a pool party from 5:30pm- 9:30pm. Please sign up with youth counselors.
4) FCBC, SGV Youth Retreat (Fri-Sun, 7/11-13, California Baptist University): Our theme this year is “Exchange: Gaining Through Giving Up”. Registration forms are available from Naomi Wong or your respective Life Group leader. If you need financial assistance, please contact Minister Ben Wu for more details.