1) English Sunday School Classes: Our age-specific Sunday School classes started last week. We will have classes for junior high, high school and college/young adult. Sunday School classes will begin at 5:00 pm. These classes will replace life groups for this quarter.
2) “To Save a Life” Youth Curriculum: Our youth group began a new series based on the film To Save a Life. The film is about a popular teenage boy searching for the purpose and significance of life. We will have in-depth study and discussion based on the film for the following six weeks. Invite your friend(s) who may be wrestling with the same questions about life.
3) Our Daily Bread Daily Devotionals: This year we encourage all our church members to use Our Daily Bread for daily devotionals. Hard copies will be available quarterly. You can also subscribe digitally via mobile app, eBooks, or email. Please visit www.odb.org for more details. Join us for life transformation through the Word of God.